We invite you to join the Together to End Solitary nationwide actions on the 23rd of each month. On any given day in the U.S., an estimated 122,000 adults are held for 23 hours a day for months, years, even decades in solitary confinement in prisons and jails, with many more held in solitary in youth and immigrant detention centers. On the 23rd of every month, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture invites you to join people throughout the U.S. who are holding monthly actions to call for an end to the torture of solitary, at the recommendation of people incarcerated in Pelican Bay prison who led the momentous hunger strikes in California prisons. Together we can end the torture of solitary confinement and make human rights a reality for all people.
Here is how you can join us on the 23rd of each month:
- Host a screening of NRCAT's documentary, Torture in Our Name. An interfaith viewing guide and sample posters are also available.
- Organize a vigil to speak out against solitary confinement and stand with survivors.
- Write to your U.S. Senators & Representative to ask them to cosponsor the End Solitary Confinement Act, using NRCAT’s e-advocacy platform here.
- Host a letter writing campaign to your legislators to call for an end to solitary in your state.
- Host a chalk-in: draw a 6x9 ft box with chalk and sit in it, symbolizing the average dimensions of a cell people spend 23 hours a day for months, years and decades in solitary.
- Share photos and updates about your actiond on X(Twitter) and Facebook. Follow us at @nrcattweets and use the hashtags #STOPsolitary #together.
- Host a reading of "If the SHU Fits: Voices from Solitary Confinement” a resource that powerfully weaves together excerpts of letters, blog entries, government reports, and speeches of family members and survivors of solitary, organized into a one-hour Reader's Theatre Format.
- Sign and share the National Pledge: A Moral Call to End Solitary Confinement.
Use this Together to End Solitary Bulletin Insert in your congregation or community. |