Breaking Down the Box

In 2022, NRCAT released a new film, Torture in Our Name, that updates Breaking Down the Box.. 

NRCAT's 2015 film, Breaking Down the Box, is a 40-minute documentary for communities of faith, to expose the torture of solitary confinement in the context of mass incarceration in the United States.

Produced by filmmaker Matthew Gossage, the film examines the mental health, racial justice and human rights implications of the systemic use of solitary confinement in U.S. prisons. It is a call to action for communities of faith to engage in the growing nationwide movement for restorative alternatives to isolated confinement that prioritize rehabilitation, therapeutic interventions, and recovery.

NRCAT produced a Discussion Guide to accompany a screening of the film. We now invite you to show Torture in Our Name in your congregation or community.

 Clips from the documentary

California Campaign

New York Campaign

Mental Health and Solitary Confinement

How to Assemble NRCAT's Solitary Confinement Cell Replica
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