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Executive Director

Executive Director
National Religious Campaign Against Torture

ron-stiefRev. Ron Stief, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, is the executive director of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, an interfaith organization of more than 325 religious organizations committed to ending U.S.-sponsored torture.

Rev. Stief is a national leader and faith strategist on ending CIA torture and ending the torture of solitary confinement in U.S. prisons. He speaks widely at college campuses, interfaith events, and coalition actions and has been interviewed by CNN, HuffPost Live, the New York Times, Religion News Service, Governing Magazine, the Washington Post and the National Catholic Reporter. Rev. Stief co-chairs the Steering Committee of Shoulder to Shoulder / Standing with American Muslims Upholding American Values and is a board member of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good.

From 1999 to 2008, Rev. Stief was director of the Washington D.C. office of the United Church of Christ where he led advocacy for its 5,500 congregations and 1.2 million members across the country on a broad range of domestic and international issues, through both the UCC's Washington D.C. and United Nations offices.

Rev. Stief has taught as an adjunct faculty member of the Pacific School of Religion and the Starr King School for the Ministry, both in Berkeley, and the McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. He earned his undergraduate degree in philosophy at the University of Montana and holds a Master of Arts in social ethics and a Master of Divinity degree from the Pacific School of Religion.

He and his wife, the Rev. Sandee Yarlott, have one son and two grandchildren.

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