Home About Organizational Members and How to Join

NRCAT Membership: Organizations

Does NRCAT offer membership for individuals?
NRCAT is formally a membership organization of organizations, but there are lots of ways for you to get invovled! We encourage individuals to ask their local congregation or organization to become a member, work with others in your community on local actions to inform the public, sign the "Torture is a Moral Issue" statement, write a letter-to-the editor of your local paper, and consider supporting the campaign financially.

"Throughout the world, people of faith can be found on the front lines of the struggle to defend human rights. NRCAT has added an important dimension to the movement to re-establish the norm against torture in the U.S. and to end impunity for those who have espoused its use. We consider NRCAT an important ally...and a powerful voice for change."

- Larry Cox, former Executive Director, Amnesty International USA

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The National Religious Campaign Against Torture is an inter-religious membership organization with three levels of membership. Your organization or congregation is invited to consider joining NRCAT. Please visit the membership requirements page to view our mission statement, general requirements for membership, and the types of membership.

There are over 300 religious organizations that are members of NRCAT including Baha'i, Buddhist, Catholic, evangelical Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox Christian, mainline Protestant, Quaker, Sikh and Unitarian Universalist communities. Seventy-five thousand individual people of faith have worked with us since NRCAT's formation in 2006. NRCAT works closely with other faith-based anti-torture groups and has partner organizations across the country. We have made a particular effort to form strong partnerships across all faith groups.

Organizations and individuals of faith are critical to NRCAT achieving its goals. NRCAT has members across the U.S. and offers opportunities to take concrete action to promote human rights. We deliver members of our e-network regular legislative updates and action alerts about the progress of bills concerning such critical issues as access to U.S. detainees by the International Committee of the Red Cross, ending indefinite detention of post-9/11 detainees, and ending prolonged solitary confinement. Additionally, we construct statements that individuals can sign and encourage others to endorse; sponsor state campaigns that individuals can join; host and promote vigils, marches and rallies to make our voice heard across the nation.

Members can make use of NRCAT's resources and participate in a monthly conference call to discuss current issues with NRCAT staff. NRCAT resources members with legislative and programmatic pieces and equips you and your community to end torture. NRCAT offers congregations free worship materials, sermons, interfaith prayers, and more.

NRCAT also offers a number of free and low-cost educational resources to members, including books, videos, fact sheets, and more that are suitable for individual study or group discussion. We provide posters, banners, and bumper stickers to help spread the word that it is time to end torture.

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